The rest of the public notices published in The Star Post 10/11/2023 edition can be viewed here:
Project: Albany Golf Club
500 Church Avenue
Albany, MN
Bids Close: October 30, 2023 – 2:00 pm local time
Bid Location: Albany Golf Club
500 Church Avenue
Albany, MN
Mandatory Pre-Bid
Meeting: October 17, 2023 - 10:00am local time
Albany Golf Club
500 Church Avenue
Albany, MN
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - Contractor’s sealed proposals for the construction of Albany Golf Club, Albany, Minnesota, a project including General, Mechanical and Electrical Construction will be received by the Architect, at the above-mentioned time and place in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Ringdahl Architects, Inc.
Bids will be received as follows: Combined bid including general, mechanical, and electrical work.
Total bid should reflect any discounts or savings that will be passed through contractor to the City.
Bids received after deadline will be returned unopened.
Bids will be opened publicly immediately after time of receiving bids.
Envelopes containing bids must be sealed, marked in the lower left-hand corner “Albany Golf Course” and with the name and address of the bidder and the date and hour of the opening and addressed to:
Albany Golf Club
500 Church Avenue
Albany, MN
Fax’d bids are not acceptable. Each bidder must accompany their proposal with a cashier’s check, bid bond or certified check equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the proposal payable to the owner as guarantee of prompt execution of the contract in accordance with the proposal and contract documents, and that he will furnish bond acceptable to the owner covering performance of the contract.
Project documents will be available at Ringdahl Architects, Inc. 510 22nd Avenue East Suite 102 Alexandria, MN 56308, St. Rosa Lumber, Inc. 29033 County Road 17, Freeport, MN 56331and the City of Albany 400 Railroad Avenue, Albany, MN 56307.
Bids may not be withdrawn for thirty (30) days after the scheduled closing time for receiving bids. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any irregularities in bids.
A Contractor responding to these Bidding Documents must submit to the City/Owner a signed statement under oath by an owner or officer verifying compliance with each of the minimum criteria in Minnesota Statutes, section 16C.285, subdivision 3. Any prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that does not meet the minimum criteria established for a “responsible contractor” as defined in Minn. Stat. § 16C.285, subd. 3 or fails to comply with the verification requirements is not a responsible contractor and is not eligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project. A false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria shall make the prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that makes the false statement ineligible to be awarded a construction project and may result in termination of a contract awarded to a prime contractor, subcontractor, or motor carrier that submits a false statement. The prime contractor shall include in its verification of compliance a list of all of its first-tier subcontractors that it intends to retain for work on the project.
Tom Schneider
Interim City Administrator
Albany, Minnesota
Published in the Star Post this 11th day of October, 2023.
Albany Area Schools
Albany, Minnesota 56307
Administration Office Telephone 320/845-2171 –
FAX 320/201-5878
Albany Area Schools – ISD #745
District Board Room
30 Forest Ave
Albany, Minnesota 56307
October 11, 2023, 6:00 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Forum
4. Agenda -- Additions and Deletions
5. Approvals
1. Previous Meeting Minutes
2. Cash Flow Reports
3. Acceptance of Gifts and Donations
6. Consent Agenda
7. Reports
1. Purple Pride
8. Business
1. Enrollment Report
2. Fundraiser Approvals
3. Memorandum of Understanding Regarding E-Learning
Days 2023-2024
4. Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Robotics
Assistant Coach 2023-2024
5. Resolution for Safe Routes to School Boost Grant
6. Administrative Procedure
7. School Board Policies - Third Read
1. 102 Equal Educational Opportunity
2. 418 Drug-Free Workplace/Drug-Free School
3. 419 Tobacco-Free Environment; Possession and Use
of Tobacco, Tobacco- Related Devices, and Electronic
Delivery Devices; Vaping Awareness and Prevention
4. 424 License Status
5. 425 Staff Development and Mentoring
6. 506 Student Discipline
7. 507 Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint
8. 509 Enrollment of Nonresident Students
9. 513 Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design
10. 912 Academic & Athletic Wall of Honor
8. School Board Policies - First Read
1. 514 Bullying Prohibition Policy
2. 516.5 Overdose Medication
3. 524 Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy
4. 532 Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams
5. 534 School Meals Policy
6. 601 School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
7. 602 Organization of School Calendar and School Day
8. 603 Curriculum Development
9. 604 Instructional Curriculum
10. 613 Graduation Requirements
9. AFT Negotiations Strategy
1. Close the Meeting
2. Reopen the Meeting
9. Committee Reports
1. Staff Development Meeting
2. Schools For Equity In Education General Meeting
3. World’s Best Workforce Meeting
10. Superintendent Report
11. Adjournment
Note: Items may be added to the agenda which have an immediate effect on the operation of the school district. An effort will be made to keep additions to a minimum.
Amy Sand, Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Independent School District No. 740 (Melrose Area Public Schools) shall perform a public accuracy test of the optical scan voting system to be used in the School District’s November 7, 2023 special election. The test shall be conducted at Melrose Area Public Schools (High School Library) - 546 5th Ave. NE, Melrose, Minnesota on October 17, 2023 at 10 o’clock a.m. Interested individuals are authorized to attend and observe. If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Oliver at 320-256-5613.
Dated: July 24, 2023
/s/ Becky Felderwerd
School District Clerk
Independent School District No. 740
(Melrose Area Public Schools)
State of Minnesota
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held before the City Council of Freeport on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, in the City Hall located at 125 Main Street East at 7:00pm or soon thereafter, to consider approving the final plat of Welle’s Country Acres Plat Four.
For more information, you can write or visit Freeport City Hall (125 Main Street East, PO Box 301) 8am-4pm M-F, call 320-836-2112 or email
Jon Nelson – Clerk-Treasurer
Albany Public Works to conduct seasonal
Monday October 16th through Friday, October 20th
Beginning Monday, October 16th through Friday, the 20th of October, the Albany Public Works Department will be performing routine flushing of the City Water System and Fire Hydrants.
This is part of a regularly scheduled maintenance program that removes rust, manganese deposits and sediment from the City’s water lines.
When hydrant flushing is being performed in your neighborhood you may experience rusty water and discoloration along with pressure fluctuation.
Below are some precautions you may take:
• When you notice flushing is occurring in your neighborhood, please check your water coming from your faucet before using your washing machine. You may need to run it for a bit until it runs clear.
• If by accident you do wash a load and rusty looking streaks appear on your laundry, don’t use bleach as this will set the stains permanently. A product called “Iron Out” has been shown to be successful in removing iron stains from fabric.
If you have any questions, please call Albany’s Public Works Supervisor, Joe Mergen at 320.980.2990.
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